Saturday, May 28, 2011

Field Day 2011

Not to date myself, though I admit it - I'm old, when I had field day at school it was the 40-yard dash, three legged race, egg toss, and maybe, if the teachers and administrators were feeling "crazy" a water balloon toss. We won ribbons for participation and for winning the races and most of the day was spent in an open, empty field full of laughing, yelling and just generally loud kids.

Well, I have seen field day in 2011 and it is no longer a day full of track and field events, it's a day designed to get as wet, muddy and tired as possible. The kids played games titled for spy events and they were all Field Agents and they shot water cannons at Scooby Doo characters, played miniature golf, and tried to squirt the shaving cream off of the top of the poles of your opponent while protecting yours. One of the games was to squeeze rubber ducks under water in kiddie pools with your feet and then run and fill up the team bucket before the others. Not to mention of course that for 30 minutes they had a squirt gun free for all. I have no idea who thought of these games, but they loved them.

Most interesting of all were the three main events, the water slides. Take 500 kids or so and tell them at the beginning of the day that basically for an hour of the school day they will be able to take turns sliding down water slides and the organized chaos of each game ends with "are the water slides next?"

The world has changed in many ways for the worse, kids are doing crazy things at very very young ages, but this is one area that I think maybe they've gotten it right. My field day was fun but it was nothing compared to this.

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