Monday, June 6, 2011

And so it begins...

Today was the official day 1 of stay-at-home mom and the kids let me know it wasn't going to be an easy job. We started out the day at 5:30 a.m. when Gabe decided he'd had enough sleep and so had I. Remarkably 20 minutes later, he fell back to sleep, lucky boy.

By 8:30 a.m. each kid had one time out, and by 9:30, two.

At 8:45 a.m. popsicles were demanded, as if that would ever happen.

After that, we really started to click. Together we conquered a lot of stuff. So, here's the list of what you can get done on the first day of a new job:
- Call insurance company 1 about the car
- Call insurance company 2 about the roof
- Call insurance company 3 to explain that passing out is result of a broken nose and not a car accident (really EMTs? You picked him up at a residence.)
- Call roofing company to chat a bit about a disconnect between what I am told and what insurance company 2 was told
- Pull trash cans up from street and put them away
- Make sure that the man on the roof knew we were in the house
- 4 loads of laundry done and put away, 2 others still in the machines
- Shred 2 months worth of crap mail and bills unnecessary to keep
- Pay bills
- Clean the kitchen
- Teach a 6-year-old how to clean her room the right way
- Lunch
- 2 hours at the pool (plus walking there and back)
- 1 hour and 20 minutes at the gym

Reading that makes me tired. I wonder what we're going to do tomorrow?!?!

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