Most of the articles and things I've seen so far talk about how us "old" women (in our 30s and older), wear bikinis to feel younger and attract the attention of the husbands and college boys around us. I haven't laughed at anything so hard in a long time.
Do I wear a bikini? You bet. I have two different ones. One is all brown and one is black trimmed in pink.
Do I wear it to increase my self esteem and attract your spouse? No. I could care less about what your spouse thinks about my suit and my self esteem is fine. I was taught not to care what your spouse thinks, and he should have been taught that women aren't objects to gawk at. Chances are, if he's looking at women in bikinis at the pool, he's also looking at women in one-pieces, dresses, t-shirts, shorts, suits, and anything else women wear. In my experience people do tend to notice other people. What people wear when this happens tends to be irrelevant.
Why wear it then? Simple, I'm about 5 foot 2 or 3 (depending on the doctor's office who does the measuring). I have a long body and not so long legs. One piece suits look ridiculous on me. Don't believe me? You are welcome to come with me next year to try them on. The last time I bought one I was asked why I bought it by a total stranger the first time I wore it. She, being considerably more conservative than I, explained that when she saw me in it, she thought I looked awkward and uncomfortable. And you know what, she was right. The main reasons I wear the bikini are that I feel comfortable in it, it fits me and I'm at a pool. No further explanation needed.
The bigger question for me is, what is the big deal? I don't hang out of it in inappropriate places, none that wouldn't hang out of a one piece suit. And, I'm taking care of two kids the entire time I'm in it. I'm too busy trying to keep kids safe and save them when needed to strut around provocatively as some have suggested we "old" women do. I'm not 13 (though I wore one then too). I don't think I belong in magazines. I'm not fake about it. Like me or like me not, the suit is irrelevant.
If your young child hasn't seen anyone in a bikini before, maybe you should explain it to them. Mine know, for example, that the things that should be covered are. They also know their bodies aren't something to feel shameful or even curious about. It's a body. Literally, every human on the planet has one. They are all different shapes and sizes and some are comfortable in one type of suit and some aren't, but none of them are to be judged for what they wear by my children.
To argue religion is funny to me. Who do you think created these bodies in the first place? I've never had a minister approach me at a pool (or elsewhere) and tell me I'm going to hell for what I'm wearing. I know a few pretty well, so I am positive it would have come up at some point.
To argue nudity is also hilarious. All of the blogs suggested also had posts about breast feeding. It's okay to breast feed a child in front of another child and expose yourself entirely, but to cover yourself with triangles of material very tightly tied together - well, that's just unacceptable. My daughter found this confusing. Why is it okay to see them uncovered but not to see them covered? Feeding a child is a natural thing regardless of how it's done, but you are more nude breast feeding than wearing a bikini. (And no, I'm not suggesting breast feeding is bad or wrong or damaging or whatever else can be read from having said breast feeding.)
As far as trying to be attractive, well, I feel I've already covered that, but the same argument can be made for dieting, going to the gym, having your hair professionally done, buying dresses and high heels, shopping at Victoria's Secret and a whole list of other things women do every day for no reason other than that they feel like maybe they need one of those things.
The bottom line in all of this is please be yourself, feel good about yourself, teach your kids to do the same, and leave my suit alone.